Koryu budo art academy India is headed by Mr. Vasudev S. Kulkarni based in Mumbai, India. As a student he started practicing karate in 1983 subsequently he gained experience in different martial arts, like Kobudo, Kendo, Toyama Ryu laido, Jujutsu, Kalaripayattu (Indian Koryu Bujutsu) he started his first Dojo in 1994.

He is practicing “Tenshinsho – den Katori Shinto – Ryu” (a style of koryu bujutsu). Shihan Otake Risuke Minamoto - no - Takeyuki is the master teacher of Katori Shinto Ryu. Shihan Otake is the only person to have received the Gokui Kaiden from Soke Iizasa Shurinosuke Yasusada and Shihan Hayashi Yazaemon, and Shihan Otake Risuke is currently the sole Shihan of the school.


5th Degree Black belt - ( Go Dan ) - Toyama Ryu Iaido ( Japan )
5th Degree Black belt – (Go Dan) – Goju Ryu Karate - Do (Japan)
Humble practitioner of Tenshinsho – den Katori Shinto Ryu (Otake Sensei Dojo)
Also Member Of : Rissho Kosei - Kai a Buddhist Organization ( JAPAN ).